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Greek roots and Latin roots that have the same meanings

Sample lecture Course syllabus

There often exist several different prefixes, roots, or suffixes that have the same meaning because they come from different linguistic origins. The most common origins  are Greek and Latin. These are pairs of words that have the same meanings. The capitalized particles are from Greek and the lowercase particles are from Latin. For each participle, we give the Greek, followed by the Latin, and then its meaning.
Greek Latin Meaning
A          non not
ALLO, ALTER     alieni             another
ANA re, retro         back again 
ANTE pre         before, in front of
ANTI contra against
AUTO, IDIO  sui    one's own
BARY gravi  heavy
CATA de         down, under
CHLORO viridi  green
CRYO            frigidi cold
CRYPTO operti hidden
CYCL, GYRO circuli       round
DECA decem         ten
DI         bi         two
DIA  trans through, across
DYS, CACO       mali  bad
EU, KALO boni  good
EXO extra outside, outward
GLYCO         dulci  sweet
HEKATON centi one hundred
HEMI semi half
HETERO, ALLO  vario  different
HOLO          toti  entirely
HOMO, ISO equi         the same, equal
HYPER     super, supra    over, above
HYPO     infra, sub         below, under
KILO milli         a thousand
LEUKO         albo white
MAKRO magni, grandi                 big
MELANO nigri  black
MESO         medi middle
META post, ultra after, beyond
MICRO         parvi  little
MONO         unos one
NEO, CENO novi new
OLIGO        pauci few
OXY acri         sharp
PALEO, ARCHEO veteri, seni  old
PERI circum         around
POLY multi many
PRO pre         in front of, before
RHOTO     rubri, roseo         red 
STHENO     validi, potenti                  strong
SYN, SYM con         with, together
TAUTO          identi  same
TETRA         quadr four
THANA         mort         death
THERMO calidi hot, heat
THEO div         god